That time again

Another year's gone by and I'm sitting here eating some holiday fudge, just as it should be. It's been a good year, and I'm really looking forward to the year ahead. I hope everyone else has a very happy holiday full of laughs and good times, and that you might all find something very special waiting for you today. Enjoy the time you have with your families, and make sure not to forget about those who are less fortunate.

Nollaig Shona Duit! Merry Christmas!

Oh and I'd also like to say that yesterday was my best friend and my two year anniversary. Thank you for all the amazing times we've had. Never forget I love you. And cheers to many happy years ahead. =)


We all need to get our inspiration somewhere. For some, music does it, others it's reading. Some people drive, some people sing, some people cook, jump off tall things, run, whatever. I get a lot of my inspiration from other photographers. These guys are the best of the best, and their work keeps me pushing my own forward. So every so often I'm going to post a link to a photographer I like for anyone who would like a good view.

Today's photographer is Eric Gustafson and you can see his work here at:

He's an excellent photographer and his style is something like a much more refined and honed version of my own. Wish his own artistic tweaks of course. Either way, check it out; his work is awesome.

Can't touch this

So yesterday I was out doing a little Christmas shopping when I drove by this...

Sorry to the cars behind me. =( I just really wanted that picture haha

Narrative project

This week's assignment involved creating a photographic narrative using 6-12 images. I think it was in order to teach us how to properly order images, but I just went out and had some fun with it. My project is a "Dear John" story of sort, and is also shot as a series of self portraits. I think the project speaks for itself though, so take a look...

Credit also goes to my buddy Rob for helping me with some of the shots. You can check out his work over at

Where are you?

I've been playing around with a new project lately, and i'm pretty happy with it so far. It's called "Where are you?" and basically it's a free response question that's exactly as easy as you make it. There's only really two rules: You must have your photo uploaded by friday that week, and the photo must be shot from a camera phone.

I want people to go out, and randomly take a candid shot of where they are. You'll know when to take the picture; don't just sit at your desk and show us, no one cares. Have some meaning behind it! The big purpose behind this project is to get people looking around and taking stock in their surroundings. You'd be surprised how much you don't see when you're not looking. I'll also be doing this project right along with anyone else who'd like to contribute as well.

Oh and feel free to add a back story to your shot! This was at the gas down the road at about 10:30pm. I was sitting in the passenger seat of my friend's jeep on our way to a very epic night, so I took this shot in anticipation of things to come.

Showing my thanks

I think what most people love about posting things on the internet is the anonymity it allows. It allows them to say what they want to say without having to fear repercussion. That being said, one thing I want to accomplish with this blog is to take a little time and use that anonymity to say thank you to someone. I am where I am in life because of other people, so once in a while I'm going to write a little post saying thank you. Ideally, only the person it's about and myself will know whom the identity of the person is as well. So here it goes...

You are my light in the dark. You are the reason I get up and do what I do, as passionately as I do it. You've given me inspiration, and taught me a lot. You've been there through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the fun and the drab. You've been my closest and best friend for so long, and you know me better than anyone. Thank you for always being there for me. I know I can never really tell you how much you mean, but hopefully you'll read this and know that you've really made a difference. Thank you. (Oh and hey, good morning Sunshine. ;) )


My work

It's been a day or two and I haven't uploaded any serious images yet. So i'd say the best place to start is with a couple random shots I've taken lately.

This isn't a complete summation of my work and style, but it represents a good chunk of my style. You can see a lot more of my work at right, until I post more here. Let me know what you think!


Why is it so cold?

I'm not sure how many of you have been to Rochester, but basically if you ever decide to visit, screw what everyone says. Make sure you bring shorts in the winter, on top of all your heavy clothes. I've never really understood why, but for some reason it seems to be completely ok for it to be 50 degrees one day, and 11 the next. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad, I actually love it here. I just don't get it.

Anyways, on to what really matters. I've decided that this blog probably won't have set days that it is updated, except for possibly friday. Every friday I have a photo series due for critique, and I'll probably just upload it here that day. Otherwise, I'll be writing as inspiration strikes, or instigation forces it haha. Also, I'm still learning the ins and outs of all this, mainly the coding, so bear with me for a while, because nothing is Black and White in this blog.

An introduction...

Hey everybody, my name's Logan, and let me welcome you to Not So Black And White, or 18% Grey for short. I guess I should tell you a little about myself before we get started. My name is Logan Miller, I am a student in Rochester, and I have dedicated my life to Photography. In the grand scheme of things, I guess that's really all you need to know for this blog to make sense, but I'll probably end up telling you a lot more about myself in times to come.
This blog is a place for me to showcase my work as a photographer, and my thoughts about what I do, and it's also a place for all of you to let me know what you think. Hate my work? Tell me why. Love it? Do the same. I don't care if you think my work is crap, I just want to hear why. Add some direction to your accusation and then maybe we can come together in deliberation about all things regarding this sensation. ;P But really, I love getting feedback, but feedback doesn't matter if you can't tell me why you feel what you do. So take some time, look within yourself, and let me really know what you think.
